Sunday, September 29, 2013

Classroom Tour

Front of my classroom with self made "Welcome to Sixth Grade!" pendant sign!

Classroom Library...books are organized by Lexile levels. My wonderful classroom librarian (classroom economy job) has been keeping this organized!

This is my guided reading level where I meet with small groups.

 One of the very first concepts we study in reading is genre. My genre posters are up and ready to go!

  Our district uses the Learning Focused model for curriculum and lesson planning. This is my Math unit map ready to go! On the reverse side of the yellow cards are each lesson essential question.

 I spotted a homework corner on Pinterest that looked a lot like this. I wanted to recreate one for my classroom as well. Space is a little limited, but it makes me more aware if the amount of work I am assigning my kiddos each night! It's also nice to see the whole week at a glance.

 This is my Learning map for our first Reading unit. Again, behind each white card is our lesson essential questions.

  One of my favorite additions to our classroom this year is the student center! Each mailbox is labeled with student names. I have also posted our daily specials rotations to the left for students. The bulletin board is home to our monthly calendar and special announcements.

  I am loving our motivational and inspiring posters in the back of our classroom. Can you tell I was going for a black background/colorful words theme?

I had a lot more time this summer to make my classroom exactly how I wanted it. There is a lot more room for improvement and growth, but that will all fall into place when the students add to it throughout the year. After all, this classroom is for them...not me!

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